Monday 20 May 2013


This sensation is contagious
Bringing down the walls of imagination
Stitching the torn fabrics of man’s desperation
Triggering the actions of the idealist
This sensation breaths life and death
Fools! Why do you ask whether this sensation is appropriate for this occasion?
This sensation is more than a sensation
This sensation is the last chapter of the perfect i.e. revelation
This sensation did not come for a particular nation
This sensation was crucified for starting a bloodless revolution
This sensation will forever be the only way to your salvation
Following this sensation with faith is useless without pragmatic action
This sensation was here before the creation of man and fiction
God has always hidden this sensation from the wise because they always believed this sensation was an illusion
No judgment after death is man’s idiotic invention
Winning souls for this sensation is the only rewarding mission
The father of this sensation has more than one mansion
One can never please this sensation without declaring his or her complete conviction
Reading John 3:16 will give you a clear manifestation
Oh young men and women, your body is the dwelling place of this sensation so flee from your habitual fornication
Humble your arrogant hearts and communicate with this sensation through spiritual meditation
This sensation is JESUS CHRIST
May HIS name be exalted above any other name!!! 

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